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Thursday, 25 February 2010

How To Become An Affiliate Marketer Instantly.

Becoming an affiliate marketer is very simple. But I got some bad news. The easy part is signing up to a program while the harder part comes afterwards. In this article I will explain how to become one as well as provide some great tips to succeed as one.

First you must sign up to a great affiliate network like clickbank which is the most popular network. It is loaded with popular affiliate products that many are making a fortune off of. Just go to clickbank and click on the sign up link at the top.

Now once your account is set up it is time to start promoting affiliate products of your choice. Ths is where it gets a little harder. Some questions come up like...

What is the best way to promote these products?
How many should I start promoting?
How soon can I expect to make money?
The answers to these questions depend on some factors like how well you promote these products and how long it takes you. Ideally when you start out as a beginner it is best to just set up small niche websites. Each one should be targeted to ranking high in the search engines for a specific keyword term that has little competition.

It should also be promoting one product. With this one site you should focus on creating a bunch of content and backlinks so you can easily outrank any site for your main keyword. This way you get a bunch of targeted traffic that will be interested in whatever it is you are selling.

So first you need to pick your affiliate product. Then you must go to a free keyword research tool like the Goggle AdWords tool. Go to Google type in AdWords tool and then once you get there type in the very first keyword that comes to mind.

The list of keywords should appear below and then you can start to look for buying keywords. Your keyword needs to be specific enough so you can expect profits a little later.

Once you got your main keyword you need to build an affiliate site based around that keyword. Set up a website by going to a hosting account like and registering a domain name that has your keyword in it.

Then once you are ready start building as many pages of content as you can about your topic. Then later on you can worry about putting in your affiliate links.

Learn about all the details of this process by checking out this site. Click on this link to learn more about the affiliate business.

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1 comment:

  1. This is a great little article that shows you how to take your first step in affiliate marketing. Thanks for the post!!
