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Monday, 8 March 2010
Article Marketing - Great Tips For The Home Based Entrepreneur.
With the desire to gain authority in their respective ventures, home based business entrepreneurs are turning to article marketing to gain a profile in the busy online market place.
Writing about what they know and sharing solutions to common problems in 200 to 500 word pieces ensures they bring value to their readers and gain kudos in their industry.
But there are two main reasons why small businesses are turning to article marketing;
1. Articles get good ranking on search engines. If a customer types in a search term for how to grow Bonsai, well written and key worded articles will appear at the top of the results page. If those articles happen to be yours, you have just been the recipient of readers with a problem to be solved. Provided the advice you give is good, the customer will view you as an expert.
2. Back linking. Once the reader finishes reading the article they'll see what's known as a resource box at the bottom of the page. In this box will be a two-liner about you and a link to your web site. Having this link does two things:
a. It gives the reader an opportunity to visit your main web site and...
b. The search engines see a back link to your site from a reputable source and
so push you up the results pages.
3. Articles get submitted to article directories. These directories are there for content hungry publishers. These publishers visit the directories looking for good content for their sites and when they publish your articles you will have yet another web site with a back link to your site. And back links mean 'search engine favor'.
But how do you write an article?
There are two ways to write great articles:
1. Pay for them to be written or
2. Write them yourself.
Paying for them to be written
There are many people who offer article writing services and they vary in quality and timeliness. But if you outsource this job you can save yourself a lot of time. One thing you should ensure when outsourcing is that the writer alerts the search engines that the article has gone live and that the necessary social bookmarking has been done.
Doing it Yourself
This is the best way to write an article as, with practice, your articles will develop 'a voice' which is uniquely yours, and recognizable by the readers. Here are 7 things you should do to successfully publish your articles.
1. Write down some themes that you'll write about
2. Draw an outline of what each is about
3. Do some research on each theme
4. Ensure you are tackling 'Evergreen' issues, or ones which crop up all the time.
5. Write the article.
6. Ensure that the articles context is suitable for publishing (mentioning that this is your first of many
articles will be frowned upon by prospective publishers).
7. Make sure that you obey the 'Rules for Publication' set by the article website.
Having done this you would upload the article to the publisher and that's you done.
The Entrepreneur that practices writing articles will find, after time, that their home based businesses website will have numerous back links which push it to the front of the 'results page crowd'.
Marc Francis is a wealth coach, author and television presenter who helps individuals reach their goals and create personal wealth. To find out more visit http://www.makemoneywithmarc.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marc_R._Francis
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Writing articles is a great idea for making money! Also, it isn't as difficult as it may seem, the articles don't have to be very long.